Layby Reminder Template

Layby Reminder Template

Do you know how crucial it is to send a reminder email when you want your recipient to take action AKA reply?

It’s as important as sending the first email.

But, it’s hard to get a response to your first email as an average business professional receives 96 emails in a day. Responding immediately or on the same day will be difficult and can take a toll on them.

Event Reminder Email Templates Whether you’re organizing an online or offline event, reminding your audience about it is just as important as informing them about the event in the first place. That’s where event reminder emails come into play. A reminder letter is a great way to make a follow-up on a concern or responsibility that has not been met. That being said, read on to find out how you can create a good reminder letter in a snap. 14+ Reminder Letter Templates Final Reminder Letter Template. Layby Reminder Template When you run a busy business or organisation, “cash flow is king” as the old saying goes, and even a temporary disruption to your regular cashflow can cause serious problems.

Nonetheless, it’s not impossible. Sending a gentle reminder email will do the trick for you to get a quicker response.

The question arises — how do you politely remind someone to reply?

A gentle reminder email has enormous benefits. Whereas a bratty email may ruin the game.

A reminder message stated politely can help you build a strong long-lasting relationship with your prospects and leads. This will help you take things forward quickly and strategically win the long game.

Learning the right emailing etiquette and polite reply techniques are essential for everyone. This article will be your guide for writing a gentle reminder email and increasing the response rate.

How do you politely remind someone to reply your email?

While you are sending a reminder email to get a reply, you need to be concerned about the time a recipient spends reading your email. You have to follow basic email etiquettes that will help you write a perfect reminder email to boost your email response rate. To make things easy for you, in this article we have added some gentle reminder email samples in each pointer.

Without any further ado, let’s get started.

1. Reply in the same email thread

As mentioned above, your recipient gets a huge number of emails every day. Creating a new email thread will increase his email count and it’s most likely to be ignored. If you send your replies in the same thread, it makes it your receiver easier to access the previous email. This ultimately helps you to get a response to your emails and yield high productivity.

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Replying to the same email thread keeps your conversations smooth. Whenever you want you can easily refer to the thread and get the complete information. This avoids the chances of missing anything important especially when your business relies on email.

In reference to the above example, Scott received the reminder email in the same thread. This helped Scott get a direct reference from the previous email which saved his time. The sender also continued the story from the previous email. The sender added more value to the email by providing a free trial and a product demo. This will make Scott feel the importance of the email and respond back to the sender.

Along with being polite, the key here is to add more value to your reminder emails.

2. Keep the message simple with a greeting

Short and simple messages are easier to read. Adding sweet words it makes the email appealing. These tips will help you make your recipient remain interested to read your messages and take the desired action.
Also adding a greeting with your email makes it legit and authentic.

You should always personalize the email to make it feel dedicated to the particular person. Usually, senders automate their emails which lacks personalization features. When a recipient opens an un-personalized email, he finds out to be another junk email and skips it. Sending highly personalized messages keeps your recipient engaged and increases your email response rate.

It is recommended to use a tool like SalesHandy to send personalized emails at scale.

SalesHandy empowers you to schedule automated personalized follow-up reminders with the primary email to make your job seamless. The follow-up reminder messages get triggered based on your recipient’s behavior as well as your selected conditions. You can choose to send your reminder emails based on the following conditions — email not replied, not opened and regardless of all.

Succeed with your Follow-up Emails

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The above example is a reminder email to Amy. Amy is a customer support executive who has not replied to a particular support ticket. The customer has sent a short and simple reminder email to get a response on the current status. He started the email with a greeting and empathy. In the subject line, the customer has clearly mentioned it’s a reminder email with the ticket number. This makes the job easy for the support executive — as a result, Amy will be more prompt to resolve the problem quicker.

3. Use polite words and cover all pointers of your message

Using polite words signifies how concerned you are towards the time your reader is investing in your email. Your words decide how your recipient will take action on your email. Drafting a bratty email will move your emails towards the bin or in the worst case SPAM you.

Layby Reminder Template Printable

The next essential thing about your reminder email is to clearly state the purposes of your email. Although it is all about making your recipient reply to your primary email but adding hints and descriptions in the reminder will help you a lot. It can eliminate the long conversation and drive action in a shorter span of time.

You can also add some emotions to your email to improve readability. Also adding rich text at important points like dates and times will create a focus for the recipient.

The above image is one of the best examples of a polite reminder email sample. James was availing the SalesHandy free trial and it’s going to expire soon. However, the sender is not sure if he has used it or not. To follow up with James, the sender has sent a message in a polite way to remind them to reply to the email. He started by asking about his experience with SalesHandy and then suggested a trial extension if he has not used it yet.

4. Use an email tracking tool to check the interest level

To make the most out of your emails, it is necessary to know your recipient’s behavior towards your email. Sometimes you might send too many reminder emails and don’t get any response. That might be due to a lack of interest or to the unavailability of your recipient. To know the actual reason, it is suggested to use an email tracking tool that empowers you to take action as per your recipient’s behavior.

If you are a Gmail/G Suit or Outlook user, we recommend you to use SalesHandy as it provides unlimited lifetime free email tracking. To get started download the Gmail plugin or Outlook addons now.

If you send an email with an email tracking software, you can analyze the behavior of your recipient towards your email. You can gauge the engagement level by checking when and how many times your recipient has opened your emails, clicked your links. With the information, you can take a data driven action and plan your reminder messages accordingly.

Do you want to know what happens

after you send an email?

5. Create an action-driven email

Every email is sent with a distinct goal— align it in your reminder emails too. Marketers send emails to make subscribers a lead, Sales professionals use it to convert leads into customers, recruiters to get qualified candidates, and bloggers for getting more readers. However, if you don’t create an actionable hook in your email, the communication becomes ineffective.

Add a call to action that can help your recipient take the desired action. While sending a reminder to someone to reply to your email, a question will pop up in your mind — how to get someone to respond to your email. To do so, you must add a clear actionable message in your email with an eagerness to hear back. The more specific you are with your Call to action, the better your response rate will be.

Adding the importance of an action-driven ending in the email is best stated in the example above. This is a reminder email to a customer whose payment got failed. The sender helped him with alternate payment options and also asked for any type of assistance if he requires it. This will make the customer feel satisfied with the service quality and take the necessary actions.

End of the day you want a satisfied customer smiling and replying to your email, isn’t it?

Layby Reminder Template

6. Use proper formatting and grammar

Proper formatting gives a beautiful look to your emails and grammar enhances the quality. When you are sending a professional email reminder, your email creates an image in your recipient’s mind. You need to showcase it as beautifully as you can. Make a practice of rechecking your email draft and maintaining a generic emailing format before you hit the send button. To avoid silly grammatical mistakes you can use free tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor.

More than anything else, It is very essential to make proper word choice before sending your email. You should never hurt anyone’s personal feelings through your emails. This is considered as an improper emailing practice.

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The above email is an example of the bad emailing practice. David was expecting a reply from James, but it didn’t go as expected. Now David has planned to send a reminder email to James.

David didn’t take care of proper email formatting, typographical and grammatical errors. Also, he drafted the email in a rude tone. These types of emails are not entertained by anyone. Make sure you don’t draft an email like David and create a negative impression on your recipient.

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Layby Reminder Template Free

Now, you know the polite way to remind someone to reply to an email, but it’s not always you can get a response soon after your emails. You need to have patience and deal with these calmly. It might take some time. However, to overcome the manual failure of follow-up, you can use email sequence software. You can create your email sequence and automated follow-up with your recipient will be taken accordingly.

It is always suggested to maintain the basic email etiquette in every type of professional email. These etiquettes can help you in getting more benefits from your emails and help you build a personal brand around your network.

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